Hillside Community Church is a group of ordinary people committed to following the extraordinary Jesus Christ.
“You are the light of the world.
A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”
Matthew 5:14
What Is Christianity?
Who is Jesus?
A prophet with a new teaching?
A healer to the sick?
A saviour to a lost world?
Jesus claimed each of these, but most importantly he claimed to be God in the flesh.
What’s On At Hillside
10.30am – 11.30pm
Worship, Communion & Bible Teaching. Creche facilities available. “Bible Time” for pre-school – P7 children, runs from 11.00am. Service followed by tea/coffee and fellowship time.
11.30 – 12.00pm (during school term time)
Teens Bible Class for young people aged in Yrs 8 – 14
Monthly Sunday Evenings (during school term time
6.30 – 7.45pm
Ministry update and prayer-time.
Wednesday & Thursday Evenings (during school term time)
8.00 – 9.30pm
Bible Study, Fellowship and Prayer Groups
Alternate Friday Mornings (during school term time)
10.00am – 12.00pm
“Handmaids” ladies’ craft group. Light refreshments provided.
Monthly Sunday Evenings (during school term time)
7.00 – 8.30pm
“The Basement” for young people in Yrs 8 – 14
Who Are We
Our church family has come together from a wide range of backgrounds. Some from different church traditions and some as new Christians.
So, whether you are just curious about Christianity, or are a committed Christian who wants to grow stronger in your faith, you can find a home here at Hillside.
At Hillside we strive to be characterised by a genuine love for each other and a warmness to visitors.

Join us on Sunday Mornings at 10:30am
Doury Road, Ballymena
Sunday At Hillside
Visitors, whether individuals, couples or families, are always made welcome at Hillside. Our services are relaxed and informal; some people dress smartly and others are more casual, so whatever you are wearing, you won’t feel uncomfortable.
You will be greeted at the door by one of our welcome team.
Our Sunday morning service starts at 10.30am, and lasts for around 90 minutes.
Sunday evening services take place roughly once a month. These are at 6.30pm, for around 1 hour. We use these services to update the Hillside family on the various missionaries and local ministries we support, to pray together, and to hear from members of our church.
For more details on our Sunday services, see the ‘What We Do’ section of the website.